Thursday, February 17, 2011

Celebrating 5 Months By...

boxing up LOTS and LOTS of cloth diapers to donate to Covered in Hope!!!

Oh my goodness, I am just so EXCITED that today we celebrate our 5 MONTH anniversary on the waitlist for Caroline Faith! And we celebrated with...CLOTH DIAPERS!

Okay, ya'll are not going to believe this, but I just went back and looked to see what we were doing on our 4 month waiting list anniversary. And it was...CLOTH DIAPERS!!!

I promise, I could not plan it this way if I wanted to!

I so LOVE how God has graciously allowed us to celebrate our last two "waiting list anniversaries" with doing something to help precious orphans in Ethiopia! It makes me feel connected to our daughter and makes me feel like I am "taking care of her" in a way! That may sound crazy to ya'll, but that's the only way I know to explain it!

So, let me backtrack and tell the story.

Well, my friend, Jennifer, the children's minister at another campus of our church called me last month because she had seen my blog post about "Covered in Hope". For the past six weeks, our kids in the children's ministry have been given an "Outlive Your Life Challenge". Well, on the Sunday that we talked about caring for the fatherless, Jennifer said that she wanted to challenge the kids to bring a package of cloth diapers for orphanages in Ethiopia! Needless to say, I was THRILLED when she told me this!

Here is the card she sent home with the kids for their Outlive Your Life Cloth Diaper Challenge! (She gave me one for Caroline Faith's baby sweet!)

And here is the HUGE Covered in Hope box that they collected all the cloth diapers in!! Is that not so CUTE?!!

So this morning, I met up with Jennifer at the church to box up all the cloth diapers to be shipped out!

And a HUGE thank you to Jennifer and all the precious Pinelake children who donated cloth diapers to Covered in Hope! Thanks for letting God use you to make a difference and outlive your life!!!

Oh, and another quick story...yesterday, I was teaching preschool when a sweet lady that I have never even met before came to the classroom door with a package of cloth diapers! She said that she had heard I was collecting them to send to Ethiopia, and she "just happened" to have a package sitting in her closet! So sweet! I told her that I "just happened" to be mailing out a big shipment the very next day, and I would LOVE to include them!

LOVE how GOD works in all the little details!!

To our precious Caroline Faith,

Today, February 17, 2011 marks exactly 5 months of being on the waitlist for YOU!!! I just want to tell you today how wanted, how treasured, how precious, how longed for, and how LOVED you are! I pray everyday that God will wrap His loving arms around you and hold you close. I can't wait until the day that we can hold you in our arms too! Until then, we are resting in God's perfect timing, His plans and His sovereignty. We will wait for you as long as it takes!

Hold on, baby girl. We love you and we're coming soon.


Sarah Broadus said...

how awesome!!!

Unknown said...

LOVE this and love seeing your heart in action!

Christy said...

It is SO great to see that your church is so focused on the fatherless. Such a prayer of mine for more churches to see the importance of! I am wearing that shirt today too... haha :) Also love your letter to your precious little girl!

Erin said...

Great story, Alison! All those sweet babies will be covered in hope in sweet little cloth diapers!

Anonymous said...

love this!

Abby said...

that was me...not pete :)

Kelli said...

Love it... I'm all over Covered in Hope, and Bottom Blessings!!!! Love your Children's Ministry Dept heart!!! WooHoo...

Happy 5 months!