Saturday, June 29, 2013

Another Step Closer!!!

PRAISE GOD!!!!!!  We got a call from our AGCI case worker on Thursday that our "preliminary court went WELL!!!"  So, so, so thankful!  Of course, I cried when she told me!  God is just so FAITHFUL!  Once again, I am just overwhelmed by His goodness and faithfulness!  He has answered so many prayers and given so many miracles to our family and our baby girl! I just know that He is making a way for her to come home soon!

So, now we just wait on our case worker to call us with our court date!  This will be the date that we travel to Ethiopia to meet our precious girl and appear in court to officially become her family!  We are hoping and praying that day will be SOON!  Thank you for praying for us and our daughter!

Can't wait to have her in our arms!!!  PRAYING!!!

"In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation."  
Psalm 5:3


Anonymous said...

How amazing! I've loved following your journey and witnessing God place all the pieces I'm the perfect order.

Unknown said...

Exciting to see this journey almost complete! Will all of you make the trip or just you and Jody?

leemeandthegirls said...

GOD IS SO SO GOOD! So excited for you, friend! Can't wait to see her precious face! :)