Monday, July 28, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday,Caroline Faith!!!

Two years ago today across the ocean, a tiny baby girl was born in a rural village in northern Ethiopia. Her beloved birth mother was there to love and take care of her as best she could even though her physical health was failing. I can only imagine the love and adoration in her eyes as she held her precious daughter. The baby girl was named "Letehiwot" which means girl of LIFE. God had given this young mother a miracle with the birth and life of this baby girl.

One year ago today, the baby girl crawled around on the wood floors of Hannah's Hope in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She had been taken care of there for the past 9 months, and she was loved and adored by her special mothers. Just 4 days earlier her adoptive parents had an early 1st birthday celebration for her before they went back to the US...without her. God had given these new parents a miracle that Letehiwot had been officially declared their daughter by Ethiopian law. They just awaited the final step for their daughter to be granted a visa by the US Embassy to come home.

Today in Mississippi, this adorable 2 year old toddler is home with her family! They celebrated her birthday over the past weekend with a fun splash party with her best friend, MoMo, who was with her for months at Hannah's Hope in Ethiopia! Caroline Faith Letehiwot is loved and adored by her family and friends, and they are so thankful that she is home! God has given this family a miracle of redemption and restoration in the joy-filled smile of their baby girl!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Caroline Faith!!! We love so much!!!!

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