Monday, August 8, 2011

The Rainy Season.

As soon as we started the adoption process to bring Caroline Faith home from Ethiopia, I heard about the infamous "rainy season." Basically, the rainy season takes place every year in Ethiopia, usually during the months of August and September but actual dates vary from year to year.

The reason that it's talked about so much in the "adoption world" is because the courts in Ethiopia close for the entire rainy season. That means they are processing no adoptions, and a lot of children and families are caught up in a "standstill" during these court closures. Obviously, this can be a really hard time for these families.

Well, the rainy season for 2011 has officially begun! The courts had their last day on August 5th, and it looks like they won't be re-opening until October 17th. Our agency can still give out referrals and the Embassy will still be scheduling appointments, but with the courts closed this usually does slow everything down for a little while.

We have never been through the rainy season on the waitlist. Last year, we were still doing paperwork during this time of year. Just to be honest, I have been kind of dreading waiting through the rainy season...until the last several weeks.

My heart has been so burdened for the people in the Horn of Africa region who are going through a terrible drought. Rain is desperately needed in this part of the world. I am praying that the Lord will bring the rain!

And I am also praying hard for the families whose adoption cases are caught up in the middle of the court closures. I truly can't imagine how hard this would be.

It is always hard when our waitlist movement slows down, which we have been seeing a lot of lately. But God has been teaching me so much lately about not getting caught up in a "number", but instead focusing on His plan and His perfect timing!

I am praying that the time would pass by quickly and that God would fill all the waiting families with His hope, joy and peace during this rainy season!

"Then I will send rain on your land in its season..." Deuteronomy 11:14


Lauren said...

I remember this time last year. We had hoped to have a referral before the rainy season. We were getting so close and then everything slowed way down. After the fact though I was very thankful that we didn't get our referral until October because #1 our boy was born the day after rainy season ended! #2 It was much easier to wait without our referral than it would have been to have that sweet face and have to wait for court to open back up. In the end though, you're so right, God knows all. His plan for each family is always best no matter how incredibly hard it might be.

Praying for lots of rain and for the families caught up in it all this year.

Erin said...

Thanks for your sweet words, Alison. Please keep our family in your prayers. We didn't get our letter from MOWCYA, so even though our court date was June 15th, we haven't passed. :( So disappointing. Pray for our girls health and safety while we wait for several more months.